Is my baby too old for newborn photography?
This is a question I get asked a lot, “is my baby too old for newborn photography?” “Have I missed the moment?” I am here to clear up all your questions and concerns! I want to first start off by clarifying that your baby is never too old for a photography session. We just need to find the right session for your baby!
From my years of experience, I found the ideal age for a newborn photography in Parramatta to be within the first 14 days, with a lot of my clients booking their newborn photoshoot at the beginning of their 2nd trimester. Check out my newborn gallery!
Why the first 14 days?
This is where I will be able to capture that adorable sleepy posed look that you often see with newborn photography. After the two-week window, babies become more active, wakeful and are less likely to stay in that little curled up position.
What should I consider if it is after the 14-day window?
Between 2 – 6 weeks is still a wonderful time to capture beautiful newborn photos. The earlier you can do it, the better, as it is more likely that we will be able to achieve the sleepy posed look.
Approaching the 6 weeks – 2-months mark is when babies tend to become a bit fussier and unsettled. During this time, we can capture wrapped-only sessions or images with the family and siblings.
At 3-5 Months is when I tend to capture the in-between phase of when your baby isn’t just laying on their back anymore but also isn’t sitting up just yet. If your baby is closer to the 5-month mark, I recommend waiting till your baby is sitting upright for a Sitter session as there is more variety (and fun) with the photography session.
6-10 months is the most enjoyable time for a lot of parents (aside from newborn photography session) as this is when your baby can do a Sitter Session! A sitter session consists of your baby sitting up right, having fun and interacting with the exciting props. There’s always lots of smiles from your little one! Get more info on sitter and other milestone sessions here.
11 months to 1 year! Your baby will most likely be on the move, crawling and/or walking! A cake smash is the perfect way to celebrate and capture this milestone. It doesn’t even have to be a cake smash – it can be anything we can come up with. Cookie Smash…Spaghetti Bolognese Smash…Paint Smash. The possibilities are endless… messy and so much fun! Read up on more awesome cake smash tips and tricks!
So, your baby is never too old to be photographed, it just depends on what stage they are at and how we can capture the perfect moments! Get in touch with me so we can discuss the best option for your little one.
I look forward to having you and your baby in my studio!